Top of the 1st inning: Kia at bat
Batter #1: Choi Won-joon
Batter Choi Won-joon: Flied out to left fielder
Batter #2: Kim Sun-bin
Batter Kim Sun-bin: Flied out to center fielder
Batter #3: Choi Hyung-woo
Batter Choi Hyung-woo: Strikeout
Bottom of the 1st inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #1: Jung Eun-won
Batter Jung Eun-won: Base on balls
Batter #2: Choi Jae-hoon
Batter Choi Jae-hoon: Grounded into double play
First base runner Jung Eun-won: Force out at second base
Batter #3: Ha Ju-suk
Batter Ha Ju-suk: Grounded out to second baseman
Top of the 2nd inning: Kia at bat
Batter #4: Hwang Dae-in
Batter Hwang Dae-in: Foul fly caught by third baseman
Batter #5: Ryu Ji-hyeok
Batter Ryu Ji-hyeok: Strikeout
Batter #6: Lee Woo-sung
Batter Lee Woo-sung: Popped out to second baseman
Bottom of the 2nd inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #4: Noh Si-hwan
Batter Noh Si-hwan: Flied out to left fielder
Batter #5: 페레즈
Batter : Base on balls
Batter #6: Kim Tae-yeon
Batter Kim Tae-yeon: Grounded into double play
First base runner : Force out at second base
Top of the 3rd inning: Kia at bat
Batter #7: Park Chan-ho
Batter Park Chan-ho: Single to left field
Batter #8: Han Seung-taek
Batter Han Seung-taek: Base on balls
First base runner Park Chan-ho: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Lee Chang-jin
Batter Lee Chang-jin: Grounded into double play로 출루
Second base runner Park Chan-ho: Force out at third base
First base runner Han Seung-taek: Force out at second base
Batter #1: Choi Won-joon
Batter Choi Won-joon: Single to left of left fielder
First base runner Lee Chang-jin: Advanced to second base
Batter #2: Kim Sun-bin
Batter Kim Sun-bin: Single to right-center gap
First base runner Choi Won-joon: Advanced to third base
Second base runner Lee Chang-jin: Scored
Batter #3: Choi Hyung-woo
Batter Choi Hyung-woo: Base on balls
First base runner Kim Sun-bin: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Hwang Dae-in
catcher 마운드 방문
Batter Hwang Dae-in: Strikeout
Bottom of the 3rd inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #7: Lee Sung-gon
Batter Lee Sung-gon: Base on balls
Batter #8: 임종찬
Batter : Single to right of left fielder
First base runner Lee Sung-gon: Advanced to second base
Batter #9: Lee Won-seok
Batter Lee Won-seok:Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to pitcher)
First base runner : Advanced to second base
Second base runner Lee Sung-gon: Force out at third base
Batter #1: Jung Eun-won
First base runner Lee Won-seok: Advanced to second base on a wild pitch
Second base runner : Advanced to third base on a wild pitch
Batter Jung Eun-won: Strikeout
Batter #2: Choi Jae-hoon
Second base runner Lee Won-seok: Advanced to third base on a wild pitch
Third base runner : Scored on a wild pitch
Batter Choi Jae-hoon: Base on balls
Batter #3: Ha Ju-suk
Batter Ha Ju-suk: Single to left field
First base runner Choi Jae-hoon: Advanced to second base
Third base runner Lee Won-seok: Scored
Batter #4: Noh Si-hwan
코칭스태프 마운드 방문
Batter Noh Si-hwan: Grounded out to third baseman
Top of the 4th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #5: Ryu Ji-hyeok
Batter Ryu Ji-hyeok: Single to right of left fielder
Batter #6: Lee Woo-sung
Batter Lee Woo-sung: Base on balls
First base runner Ryu Ji-hyeok: Advanced to second base
Batter #7: Park Chan-ho
Batter Park Chan-ho: Base on balls
First base runner Lee Woo-sung: Advanced to second base
Second base runner Ryu Ji-hyeok: Advanced to third base
Batter #8: Han Seung-taek
코칭스태프 마운드 방문
Batter Han Seung-taek: Strikeout
Batter #9: Lee Chang-jin
Batter Lee Chang-jin: Single to left field
First base runner Park Chan-ho: Advanced to second base
Second base runner Lee Woo-sung: Advanced to third base
Third base runner Ryu Ji-hyeok: Scored
Batter #1: Choi Won-joon
Batter Choi Won-joon: Popped out to second baseman
Batter #2: Kim Sun-bin
Batter Kim Sun-bin: Double to right of right fielder
First base runner Lee Chang-jin: Scored
Second base runner Park Chan-ho: Scored
Third base runner Lee Woo-sung: Scored
Batter #3: Choi Hyung-woo
Batter Choi Hyung-woo: Popped out to third baseman
Bottom of the 4th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #5: 페레즈
Pitching change: Han Seung-hyuk → Ko Young-chang
Batter : Grounded out to third baseman
Batter #6: Kim Tae-yeon
Batter Kim Tae-yeon: Strikeout
Batter #7: Lee Sung-gon
Batter Lee Sung-gon: Flied out to left fielder
Top of the 5th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #4: Hwang Dae-in
Batter Hwang Dae-in: Flied out to right fielder
Batter #5: Ryu Ji-hyeok
Batter Ryu Ji-hyeok: Grounded out to first baseman
Batter #6: Lee Woo-sung
Batter Lee Woo-sung: Grounded out to third baseman
Bottom of the 5th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #8: 임종찬
Pitching change: Ko Young-chang → Lee Joon-young
Batter : Flied out to right fielder
Batter #9: Lee Won-seok
Batter Lee Won-seok: Flied out to center fielder
Batter #1: Jung Eun-won
Batter Jung Eun-won: Strikeout
Top of the 6th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #7: Park Chan-ho
Batter Park Chan-ho: Flied out to right fielder
Batter #8: Han Seung-taek
Batter Han Seung-taek: Flied out to right fielder
Batter #9: Lee Chang-jin
Batter Lee Chang-jin: Home run to left field (Distance: 120m / 395ft)
Batter #1: Choi Won-joon
Batter Choi Won-joon: Grounded out to first baseman
Bottom of the 6th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #2: Choi Jae-hoon
Pitching change: Lee Joon-young → Park Jin-tae
Batter Choi Jae-hoon: Hit by pitch
Batter #3: Ha Ju-suk
Batter Ha Ju-suk: Single to left-center gap
First base runner Choi Jae-hoon: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Noh Si-hwan
Batter Noh Si-hwan: Hit by pitch
First base runner Ha Ju-suk: Advanced to second base
Second base runner Choi Jae-hoon: Advanced to third base
Batter #5: 페레즈
catcher 마운드 방문
Pitching change: Park Jin-tae → Hong Sang-sam
Batter : Strikeout
Batter #6: Kim Tae-yeon
Batter Kim Tae-yeon: Strikeout
Batter #7: Lee Sung-gon
Batter Lee Sung-gon: Base on balls
First base runner Noh Si-hwan: Advanced to second base
Second base runner Ha Ju-suk: Advanced to third base
Third base runner Choi Jae-hoon: Scored
Batter #8: 임종찬
Batter : Strikeout
Top of the 7th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #2: Kim Sun-bin
Pitching change: → Yoon Ho-sol
Batter Kim Sun-bin: Strikeout
Batter #3: Choi Hyung-woo
Batter Choi Hyung-woo: Base on balls
Batter #4: Hwang Dae-in
Batter Hwang Dae-in: Strikeout
Batter #5: Ryu Ji-hyeok
Batter Ryu Ji-hyeok: Base on balls
First base runner Choi Hyung-woo: Advanced to second base
Batter #6: Lee Woo-sung
catcher 마운드 방문
Batter Lee Woo-sung: Base on balls
First base runner Ryu Ji-hyeok: Advanced to second base
Second base runner Choi Hyung-woo: Advanced to third base
Batter #7: Park Chan-ho
코칭스태프 마운드 방문
Batter Park Chan-ho: Strikeout
Bottom of the 7th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #9: Lee Won-seok
Pitching change: Hong Sang-sam → Jeon Sang-hyun
Batter Lee Won-seok: Single to left field
Batter #1: Jung Eun-won
Batter Jung Eun-won: Strikeout
Batter #2: Choi Jae-hoon
Batter Choi Jae-hoon: Strikeout
Batter #3: Ha Ju-suk
Batter Ha Ju-suk: Base on balls
First base runner Lee Won-seok: Advanced to second base
Batter #4: Noh Si-hwan
코칭스태프 마운드 방문
Batter Noh Si-hwan: Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to third baseman)
Second base runner Lee Won-seok: Force out at third base
Top of the 8th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #8: Han Seung-taek
Pitching change: Yoon Ho-sol →
Batter Han Seung-taek: Popped out to second baseman
Batter #9: Lee Chang-jin
Batter Lee Chang-jin: Single to left-center gap
Batter #1: Choi Won-joon
Batter Choi Won-joon: Strikeout
Batter #2: Kim Sun-bin
Batter Kim Sun-bin:second baseman Infield single (deflected by pitcher)
First base runner Lee Chang-jin: Advanced to second base
Batter #3: Choi Hyung-woo
Substitution: 1st base runner Kim Sun-bin out, pinch runner Kim Gyu-seong in
Batter Choi Hyung-woo: Strikeout
Bottom of the 8th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #5: 페레즈
Pitching change: Jeon Sang-hyun → Jang Hyun-shik
Position change: pinch runner Kim Gyu-seong moved to second baseman
Substitution: center fielder Lee Chang-jin out, center fielder Park Jung-woo in
Batter : Popped out to second baseman
Batter #6: Kim Tae-yeon
Batter Kim Tae-yeon: Home run to left field (Distance: 115m / 375ft)
Batter #7: Lee Sung-gon
Batter Lee Sung-gon: Popped out to shortstop
Batter #8: 임종찬
Batter : Strikeout
Top of the 9th inning: Kia at bat
Batter #4: Hwang Dae-in
Pitching change: → Kim Jong-soo
Batter Hwang Dae-in: Popped out to second baseman
Batter #5: Ryu Ji-hyeok
Batter Ryu Ji-hyeok: Single to left field
Batter #6: Lee Woo-sung
Batter Lee Woo-sung: Strikeout
Batter #7: Park Chan-ho
Batter Park Chan-ho: Reached base on a fielder's choice (ground ball to third baseman)
First base runner Ryu Ji-hyeok: Force out at second base
Bottom of the 9th inning: Hanwha at bat
Batter #9: Lee Won-seok
Pitching change: Jang Hyun-shik →
Batter Lee Won-seok: Popped out to catcher (bunt)
Batter #1: Jung Eun-won
Batter Jung Eun-won: Flied out to center fielder
Batter #2: Choi Jae-hoon
Pitch #1: Ball
Pitch #2: Foul
Pitch #3: Ball
Pitch #4: Ball
Pitch #5: Contact
Batter Choi Jae-hoon: Grounded out to shortstop
End of Game